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Loan Journal Entry Examples for 15 Different Loan Transactions

Secured bank loans require the borrower to put up collateral, such as a house or car, and the lender can take possession of the collateral in the event of a default. Unsecured bank loans do not involve collateral and often have higher interest rates due to the increased risk. When the loan is repaid, the loan receivable account will be credited and the cash account will be debited. The journal entry for the repayment of the loan will also include the date, description, and amount of the repayment. Any accrued interest will also be accounted for in the journal entry. If the interest is paid separately, then a separate journal entry should be made for the payment.

  • Or to open a new sales office in another state or country, to again, help them generate more sales.
  • This bank transaction journal entries reference is one of many popular references from the double entry bookkeeping reference guide, discover another at the links below.
  • This is due to the interest on loan payable is the type of expense that occurs through the passage of time.
  • Fixed interest rate does not vary over time but is more expensive than a floating interest rate.

However, it isn’t as simple as paying creditors (decrease cash, decrease accounts payable) because technically, the repayments a business makes will often be repaying both loan principal and interest. When the company pays back the principal of the loan received from the bank, it can make the journal entry by debiting the loan payable account and crediting the cash account. However, sometimes, there is no need for accruing the interest expense on the loan payable. This is usually the case when the interest expense is just an insignificant amount or we only have a short-term loan in which its maturity will end during the accounting period. In this case, we will have the debit of interest expense account in the journal entry for the loan payment instead of the interest payable account. When a company obtains a loan, it is required to repay the loan over a period of time, typically in the form of regular payments that include both the principal amount of the loan and an interest component.

Journal Entries of Loan

In this case an asset (cash) decreases as the repayment is made to the lender. An amortization table is typically used to calculate the loan payments based on the principal, loan term, and interest rate. This table can help to determine the total amount that will need to be paid over the course of the loan, along with an estimated timeline for repayment. It is important to understand the components of a loan in order to make educated decisions when taking out a loan.

It is important to properly record the loan amount to ensure that the loan is accurately tracked and repaid. Like most businesses, a bank would use what is called a “Double Entry” system of accounting for all its transactions, including loan receivables. A double entry system requires a much more detailed bookkeeping process, where every entry has an additional corresponding entry to a different account. For every “debit”, a matching “credit” must be recorded, and vice-versa.

Resources for Your Growing Business

On December 31, 2022, the interest accrued on the loan must be recognized. As at December 31, 2022, interest in the amount of $30,000 [$600,000 x 5%] has been accrued on the Royal Trust Bank loan. The transaction balances because there is a negative $20,000 on both sides of the transaction. I am using this article by Stambaughness.Com for the basis of a PPP loan forgiveness, but these examples will work with most any type of loan forgiveness. These journals occur when two or more businesses are owned by the same owner/s. This example is based on the purchase of a car from a car sales business, which business signs you up with a loan provider.


And we need to pay back the $20,000 loan with the interest of $2,000 on July 1, 2022, instead. Assets increase on the debit side (left side) and decrease on the credit side (right side). Otherwise, if you’re ready to move on, balance sheet items items of balance sheet with explanation then click here for the next lesson where we’ll learn the journal entry for purchasing an asset. The loan is increasing in our records and, since this is a liability, we can say that our liabilities are increasing too.

What does a loan journal entry do?

Let’s say that $15,000 was used to buy a machine to make the pedals for the bikes. That machine is part of your company’s resources, an asset that the value of such should be noted. In fact, it will still be an asset long after the loan is paid off, but consider that its value will depreciate too as each year goes by. A loan receivable is the amount of money owed from a debtor to a creditor (typically a bank or credit union).

Bondholders typically receive a fixed rate of interest, while loaners usually receive a variable rate of interest. The primary difference between bonds and loans is that bonds are typically used by governments or companies to raise funds, while loans are used by individuals. Bonds can be bought in the primary or secondary market, while loans are issued by banks or other financial institutions. Chartered accountant Michael Brown is the founder and CEO of Double Entry Bookkeeping. He has worked as an accountant and consultant for more than 25 years and has built financial models for all types of industries.

bank loan received journal entry

In real life, accounting for interest and splitting a payment into interest and principal can be quite complicated. However, in this introductory text – we will simplify this process and assume that the interest is given to you each time. Using the Accounts Payable account in the above journal entry means that the invoice has not been paid with your bank funds. Depending on the type of ledger account the bookkeeping journal will increase or decrease the total value of each account category using the debit or credit process. Every loan journal entry adjusts the value of a few account categories on the general ledger. For example, on January 1, 2020, the company ABC receives a $50,000 loan from a bank with an interest of 8% per annum.

Loan Accounting Equation

Cost of the loan is cheaper because it gives more tax benefits than any other finance i.e Interest on Loan is an allowable expenditure but dividends are subject to tax. Hence, Loan is preferable financing tools for the business owner. Let’s give an example of how accounting for a loans receivable transaction would be recorded. The ending day of the accounting period of our company is on December 31, in which we need to close all the income statement accounts and transfer the net income to the balance sheet as the retained earnings. For example, on January 1, 2021, we have borrowed a $20,000 loan from the bank with an interest of 10% per annum. The period of the loan is 12 months in which we need to pay back both the loan principal of $20,000 and the 10% interest which is $2,000 on January 1, 2022.